Credit Repair Self Help

 It is possible that fixing your credit problems on your own is the best option if you are in a bad credit situation. Companies promising to repair your credit for a small fee and make it so you don't have to worry about it anymore seem to be everywhere these days. Credit repair through individual initiative is not only feasible, but optimal.

Many people overestimate the difficulty of repairing their credit on their own. In fact, the DIY route is quickly becoming the norm in the field of credit repair. Step one is to obtain a copy of your credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus (Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion). As a result of the FACT Act, you are now entitled to one free credit report per year. The other two will cost you, but not much—typically just $10 or $15.

The next self-help action you should take after obtaining your credit reports is to review them to verify their accuracy. Mistakes of one kind or another are practically inevitable. It's possible for these mistakes to range from a paid-off overdue account to the incorrect assignment of a debt that was never actually yours.

You should notify the credit reporting agency verbally and in writing if you discover mistakes. You'll need to provide proof of the error before they'll remove it from your credit report, and they have to let you know in writing whether they decided to do so or not. Put forth your best effort in this. A successful do-it-yourself credit repair program requires you to take a proactive stance regarding the accuracy of your information.

Creating a long-term strategy to manage your credit use and steer clear of future credit issues is also an important part of any self-help credit repair program. The assistance of a credit counselor could be useful here, but why shell out the cash and take the chance of working with a shady organization if you don't have to?

If you put in the time and effort, you will discover that there is a wealth of resources, both written and digital, available online to assist you in implementing a self-help credit repair program. Repairing your credit on your own takes time and effort, but in the end, you'll be glad you did it and even happier with the results!

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